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The Characteristics of College Students' Career Planning Date£º2010-01-08 02:28
When you are in different stage of your career, you face different environment requirements and have different quality accumulation.Therefore, individual career planning should be based on the different career stage and career development status. College students are in the learning , preparatory and initial stage of the career life. Therefore, compared with the career planning of the experienced employees, the career planning of college students has its own characteristics.the same general principles and broadly consistent operation steps,but different in contents and focuses .
The differences between the career planning of college students and the general career planning are mainly reflected in:

different objects
The overall goals of the general career planing are to obtain a certain position or obtain certain achievement at job.For example, to plan to access to the senior management level before 35,or set a business object to get Top 1 in sales in company within 2 years. The general career planning is not quite clear in setting the period targets,depending the individual's overall objectives and the gap between the reality.
The most fundamental and most realistic goal of the career planning of college students is to achieve the initial employment successfully: to get a job matched with one's own interest, hobbies and ability. For example, to plan to join a HR department of a certain big company after graduation. The period goal of the career planning of college students can be quite clear.For example, what level should be reached in the first year; what plan should be completed in the second year, or what objects should be achieved at graduation and so on.

different in time periods
By the previous description, we know that career planning can be classified according to time as four kinds :short-term planning, medium-term planning, long-term planning and life planning. The general employer can make a short or long career plan according to their own conditions and the characteristics of the objective environment.
While college life is a complete and fixed period,there is a standard classification method,that is the college education system is the starting and ending time of university life.The medium-term planning which is the most realistic and most typical of the career planning of college students.the time period it planned is the same with the period of their school years. For example,the undergraduate medical education system is five years, if a fresh starts to make a career plan at the beginning of his university life, then the beginning and end of his planned life span is five years. If he starts to make the plan in the second semester of the second year, then the beginning and end of his planned life span is 2 years and a half. Although there are long-term planning or life planning among the career planning of college students, they are not the representative ones.

different in strategies
The implementation strategy of the general career planing is to make an integrated action plan of study and training, professional skills enhancement, workplace interpersonal communication, corporate culture integration within the scope of a certain industry ,based on the vocational development objectives. College students are in the career preparatory stage, so the aim of the implementation strategy of their career planning is to understand and explore the career,to complete the learning and training related with their future jobs to enhance their basic abilities and skills which are useful for their future career life.The action plan must be close with college students' study task and campus activities .